Topic > Civic Engagement - 965

Civic EngagementActivities and philosophies that support connecting communities with socially sentient beliefs and actions is what is called civic engagement. These are therefore individual or collective actions aimed at addressing issues deemed to be of public interest. They can manifest themselves in many ways including; public service, civic activity, service learning, crusades, and advocacy, to name just a few, as the list is endless. There are several causes behind civic engagement. These vary depending on the purpose and cause of the engagement. In most cases, however, they are intended to ensure that all participants receive meaningful services and experiences. This has been there for a long time in memory. Stokely, in his Black Power campaign, called for the empowerment of the black minority (Carmichael, 1969). He called on them to come out forcefully and claim their inherent rights. Former American President William Jeffrey Clinton launched the One America in the 21st Century initiative in 1997. He held the vision of an America not divided by racial difference, which he said was one of America's greatest detractors for being the pinnacle of diversity. The theory was also highlighted in Sheri Tepper's book "The gate to Women's Country" (Tepper, 1990). In the book the theme was promulgated in several ways. These included policies toward self-preservation, civil rights, and freedom of choice, among others. Achieving civic engagement is undertaken in many different ways. These are determined by several factors, including the purpose of the civic engagement, the people involved in it, the funds to be involved, among others. The… medium of paper… preserved by people like Stokely is very often likely to result in public disorder and the rise of gangs that are intended to arouse public fear regarding the ideals promulgated by the ideals (Scott, J.W. 1976). However, there are positive civic engagements especially where they intend to promote public unity and personal development as envisioned by the One America initiative. Works Cited Carmichael, Stokely. Black Power and the Third World. 1969: page n. Print.Scott, J.W. The Black Riots: Racial Stratification in the United States: The Politics of Property, Caste, and Class in American Society. 1976. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Schenkman Pub. Pp 131-132.Tepper, Sheri S. The Door to Women's Land. Corgi Books, 1990. Print. The President's Initiative on Race. An America in the 21st Century, A Dialogue Guide America: Leading a Discussion on Race.1998.