Topic > What is motivation? - 1300

Motivation is the “why” behind our behaviors. Usually goal-oriented behavior. The forces behind motivation can be biological, social, emotional or cognitive in nature. There are, in fact, a myriad of incentives that push us to act the way we act and do the things we do. They include things like quenching your thirst, reading to gain knowledge, studying to pass an exam, exceeding quotas, and meeting deadlines for a promotion, etc. According to Kendra Cherry's article on "WHAT IS MOTIVATION", there are three components of motivation: activation, persistence, and intensity. Activation is the decision to initiate a behavior. Persistence is continually striving towards a goal even though obstacles may exist. Intensity is the vigor or energy needed to pursue goals. Cherry believes that motivation can be extrinsic or intrinsic. Explain that extrinsic motivation is external forces or incentives, for example: money, promotion, trophies, etc. Intrinsic motivation comes from within a person and involves contentment only with the personal satisfaction of accomplishing something. My opinion on this is that everyone engages in certain behaviors caused by extrinsic motivations, but the more I mature and experience life, the more I realize that having intrinsic motivations is much more satisfying, far-reaching, and life-changing. A person's intrinsic satisfaction will come from measuring how they compare themselves to whether the person they are today is better than the person they were yesterday or what they did today is better than what they did yesterday. Their motivation isn't so much about them being better than anyone else, as is often the case with extrinsic motivation. The...... middle of paper......ion for wanting to manage excellently, supervise diligently, and lead sacrificially, all the while treating people with love, care, and respect whenever possible. Works Cited Pink, Daniel. Drive – The surprising truth about what motivates us. Riverhead Hardcover 2009Greenberger, Dennis and Christine A. Padesky. Mind over mood. The Guilford Press 1995Cherry Kendra. “What is motivation?” March 25, 2011 "Management Study Guide" “Difference between leader, manager, supervisor”. March 25, 2011Maxwell, John C. Maxwell's Leadership Bible, New Kings James Version. (Page 1186) Thomas Nelson, 2002