The Trans-Pacific Partnership presents several challenges to the United States regarding control by limiting/minimizing regulation, supporting corporate interests internationally, and imposing stricter intellectual property (IP) standards. Such arguments demonstrate its validity in various aspects of the agreement and it is no coincidence that the United States led and pushed for the proposals. However, as the United States proposes international law reform, it incorporates Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam as signatory nations that fall under the global dominance of the United States. In the course of research I could not find much discussion of how public health and intellectual property (IP) show traces of neoliberal influence. My goal of this article is to discuss how the United States uses the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement as a strategic element to increase its power in different areas by linking three of its TPP proposals. To further understand and achieve my goal, I have structured my article into three main sections. In the first section I present the topic of pharmaceutical companies. In the first part of the section are the four provisions that would cover patents and how the creation of monopolistic corporations would begin. I then mention how pharmaceutical companies would then be able to increase drug prices and the consequences this would have on consumers. In the second I focus on HIV/AIDS drugs and explain the problem and how it has affected developing countries. In my last section I focus on food safety regulations. I will explain the three ways in which international markets have been used to dominate consumer acceptance. I......middle of paper......Web. May 15, 2014. Friel, Sharon, et al. “A new generation of trade policy: Potential food-related health risks from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.” Globalization and Health 9.1 (2013): 1-15. Academic research completed. Network. May 15, 2014.Lewis, Meredith Kolsky. “The Trans-Pacific Partnership: New Paradigm or Wolf in Sheep's Clothing?” Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 34.1 (2011): 27-52. Academic research completed. Network. May 15, 2014.Löfgren, Hans. “The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: A Threat to Affordable Medicines and Public Health.” Southern Med Review December 2011: 2. Academic research completed. Network. May 15, 2014.Lopert, Ruth and Deborah Gleeson. “The High Price of 'Free' Trade: US Trade Agreements and Access to Medicines.” Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41.1 (2013): 199-223. Comprehensive Consumer Health - EBSCOhost. Network. May 15 2014.