Black and blue1. Why did Fran end her relationship with Bobby? What do you think allowed her to do that? In the novel Black and Blue, Fran ended her relationship with her husband Bobby because he was physically abusive towards her. Fran had started dating Bobby when she was just nineteen. I feel that when teenagers "fall in love" they fall hard and become attached too quickly. In the novel it says that Fran loved Bobby, but in my opinion it was more about the feeling of wanting to love someone than actually loving Bobby. It took her seventeen long years before Fran could make the decision to leave Bobby. He also suffered a broken collarbone, a broken nose and a really big broken heart. Another reason why I think it took Fran seventeen years to leave Bobby, because there was always the thought in the back of her mind that no matter how far she went or where she went, he would always find her. I think what ultimately allowed Fran to escape was Patty, because she made Fran realize that it would be the safest thing for her to do. Describe Fran's personality characteristics. Was he the same person at the beginning and end of the story? If not, how do you think it has changed? What characteristics do you think may have played a role in her involvement with Bobby in the first place? What helped her leave? At the beginning of the story Fran was independent. He studied nursing ...