Topic > Physical Internet towards efficiency, sustainability and...

In logistics, the Physical Internet is an open global logistics system based on physical, digital and operational interconnectivity, through encapsulation, interfaces and protocols [1] . Logistics is the backbone of any industry and is the backbone that supports our lifestyle, both in the real world and in the digital world. For example, container logistics is the backbone of globalization. Likewise, the physical Internet is the backbone of Internet logistics. The manifesto of its initiative is to transform the way physical objects are managed, moved, stored, manufactured and delivered over the Internet, and the overall goal is to achieve global logistical efficiency and sustainability. But we must face the stark fact that the way physical objects are moved, stored and processed in an inefficient and economically, environmentally and socially unsustainable world. The result is that we are compromising ourselves economically (burden of 5-15% on GDP), environmentally (growing negative contribution as we aim to reduce greenhouse gas generators) and socially (lack of fast, reliable and convenient accessibility and mobility). . wait. So the global logistics challenge is to achieve efficiency and sustainability. Speaking in terms of the digital world, we had millions of unconnected computers and servers, which was inefficient and unsustainable. We have now formed an “information superhighway” that has enabled the transmission of formatted data packets across heterogeneous equipment with the TCP/IP protocol. Therefore this report focuses on the Physical Internet Initiative, which aims to exploit the metaphor of the Internet to achieve a revolutionary solution to the problems of supply and use of physical objects around the world. ..r facing the great challenge of logistical sustainability. It could serve as a commitment to an open universal interconnection of logistics services and resources. But since it needs the cooperation of all actors, it is not a utopia, nor a Big-Bang, it must gather critical mass and be able to exploit existing infrastructures and means, which would favor gradual innovation. Although it is a global phenomenon, it still needs to grow in fertile fields and collaborate with key leaders in industry, government and academia. With this manifesto, a small effort has been made to address the challenge of logistics efficiency and sustainability, but much more is needed to shape the vision.References1.