Topic > Deciding whether or not a case should be prosecuted

When a prosecutor decides whether a case should be prosecuted in court and charges should be filed against someone, prosecutors consider two important questions: Is it in the best interest of the public proceed? And is there a strong and reasonable probability that there will be a conviction? If the answer to both is yes, then you are faced with the task of deciding whether there is sufficient evidence to prosecute the case and whether the evidence is reliable and can be used in court. This means carefully evaluating the quality of the evidence of all related witnesses before reaching a final decision. Grand jury indictments will be filed by prosecutors only when and if a criminal case has not been diverted, downgraded or dismissed. To compose a grand jury, citizens are selected from tax rolls, driver's licenses and voter registrations. To formally charge a person accused of a crime, the prosecutor's evidence is evaluated by a Grand Jury to determine whether that evidence is sufficient to support the prosecutor's decision. Many states use grand juries to proceed with criminal and federal investigations, these investigations play an important role in the criminal process by working side by side with prosecutors to decide whether the evidence presented is sufficient to charge or indict a person. “Grand juries are generally made up of 16 to 23 people, and every felony case must be indicted by a grand jury unless the accused waives it. The purpose of the grand jury is not to determine guilt or innocence, but to decide whether there is probable cause to prosecute someone for a criminal crime. The grand jury operates in secret and the normal rules of evidence do not apply. The prosecutor manages the... center of the paper... it's important. Such situations allow criminals to be reinserted into society too early. The prosecutor's ultimate goal should be to work on cases that have sufficient evidence to establish each element of the crime in order to achieve an effective conviction. References Chamblis, W. J. (1969). Crime and legal process. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Glaberson, William (2004, June 20). New trend before grand juries: meet the accused. The New York Times. Retrieved April 7, 2014, from http://www.nytimes.com, Milton (1981). The experiences of prosecutors, judges and defense lawyers. University of Chicago Press Wright, R. (2013). Introduction to criminal law and procedure. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.