If I could have the opportunity to bring that person, the person I would bring would be Jaleeyah. Every guy has that one girl in high school or around that time that he hasn't gotten close to, and Jaleeyah is that girl. She was so beautiful and I don't know why I didn't approach her. I think I felt I wasn't comfortable being with her. I feel like I let my insecurities get the best of me. Instead of overcoming them, I let it get the best of me, which resulted in one of my biggest regrets in my life so far. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself because I saw her talking to another guy, but I often think that by saying this I'm making an excuse. I know deep down I should have followed her, but then again those insecurities. I know I talked about my insecurities, so I'll tell you what they were. I thought it wasn't enough for her. What I meant by this was that I felt like I wasn't good looking enough or dressed well enough to be with her. I realize now that none of that mattered. The funny thing is, with the things I know now I can't go back and change them. Because we can never understand something until that thing is gone and we can't do anything about it. I guess I'm saying what everyone else would say. This would mean “that if I had known to them what I knew now, things would be different.” Regret is something we all have to deal with, but I think it's the universe's way of letting us know that we're still human and we still make mistakes. That's why if I had the chance I would like to meet Jaleeyah again in my special place. The special place where I would like to meet her again would be this beach called Playa Precioso in Dominican Republic which means precious beach in English. The reason I would take her there is because the beach is so quiet... middle of paper... I like it. I know this now and I wish I could go back in time and change what happened. I don't entirely know why this is so important to me and can only speculate on my opinion. I feel like making peace with her is just like making peace with myself. She was so cute and amazing and one of the biggest crushes of my life. I would tell him. This essay made me exorcise a lot of the demons I had inside that I had never had to deal with. This essay made me think more deeply about myself and what is truly important to me. This ease also made me wish this wasn't an essay, that all of this was real and would happen in real life. I'm a little calmer now and I think I've found the little peace I wanted. One of the last things I would say at the end of our conversation is Thank you. I don't know why I would tell him this, but all I know is that it would feel right.