IndexOverview of current problems and management-------------------------- --- ------------------2Examination of Janet's mental state----------------------------- ------ --------------------------------3Three potential risks --------- ------ -------------------------------------------- ------ -------------5Formulation and hypotheses----------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------6Significant presentation and related issues intervention-- ----------------------------------------------- 7Nursing care plan ---------- ----------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------------10References------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------12Overview of Current Problems and ManagementIn the case study in question, the patient arrived at the emergency department in a disturbed and agitated condition. He remained silent, yet his expressions reflected his depression. The bloody clothes indicated that he may have attempted suicide. Janet's parents reported that they had noticed a change in her behavior over the past few months. He lost focus on work and studies and consequently dropped out of school. She becomes angry, agitated, and violent when family members try to ask her questions or argue with her about her health, hygiene, or clothing. According to his parents, he does not consume meals that compromise his health. Most importantly, she had broken a mirror by smashing it with her hands and locked herself in her room before arriving at the emergency room, which shows her anger, violence and agitation which could be harmful to her and also to others. As far as management is concerned for Janet and the safety of the staff, it is very important to calm and relax the patient first by focusing on his emotions instead of scaring him if he continues to be violent in the hospital. It is essential to approach the patient with the certainty that, being a nurse, I have acquired adequate knowledge and skills necessary for the identification, assessment and management of patients with mental illnesses. It is suggested that if nurses have confidence in their role and the support they can provide, the result is better patient relationship building (Clark, Parker & Gould, 2005). Initially, it is important to try to communicate with the patient clearly and directly, however compassion is important. In order to avoid any mishap or accident due to the patient's agitated and disturbed situation, the clinical environment surrounding the patient's bed must be free from things or instruments that can be broken or used as weapons. A safe surrounding environment can reduce the possibility of violence and would increase patient and staff safety. Along with this, effective communication is needed so that patient aggression can be minimized through empathetic and respectful communication (Judge & Bolton, 2013). He tries to calm Janet down by talking continuously so that her mind stays occupied.