“Cultural genocide is the intentional destruction of the culture of another people, not necessarily including the destruction of actual lives” Canada's first encounter with Native Canadians was a dark and brutal time . Native Canadians, also called Indians, were stripped of their culture and called to shame their traditional ways. Indian residential schools were a method used by the Canadian government to destroy the ethnicity of Native Canadians. The crimes committed by Canada are clearly represented by the Residential Schools and the special rights they have gained today; it cannot be said that Aboriginal people were not victims of cultural genocide, if the allegations of cultural genocide are false, why were they given special rights? The cultural genocide that Native Canadians have suffered is truly immoral; it's understandable why they got unique rights. Native Canadians were the first to set foot in Canada and begin a life in a barren land. It was unfair of the Europeans to confiscate the natives from their main species...