Topic > "The Time Machine": an exceptional science fiction...

The Time Machine written by Herbert George Wells remains an exceptional science fiction novel of the 19th century. The narrative genre introduces the discovery and subsequent use of time travel - a vehicle that transports a man and allows him to purposefully explore unknown space. The narrator and the user of the time machine postulate that time is indeed the only medium that transports a time traveler away from the his shell of ignorance and prevailing darkness surrounding his earthly home Although many consider The Time Machine to be merely a mere fiction, the symbolic consumption of meat is used throughout the novel to indicate the levels of transformative changes in the human intellect significance of the fourth dimension in the progress of human intellect in the 19th century, as depicted in the novel, will be discussed in this chapter. The protagonist of the novel is a gentleman scientist and inventor who lives in Richmond; he is described by the narrator as a time traveler. Before the invention of the time machine, the indigenous residents of Richmond fully ascribed to their traditional cultures of cannibalism. They spent most of their time eating pork, goose and each other. However, none of them are aware of the fourth dimension. Michael Parrish Lee also describes the period of pre-time machine darkness in his article Reading Meat in the HG Wells. According to Lee, this period marked the rudimentary period of human civilizations when high levels of cannibalism, uncontrollable and furious bodily appetite, and lust for bones and flesh took their toll on humans. Indeed, the writer (Lee) categorically captures two characters: Fred and Rosam… in the middle of the paper… of science. In conclusion, HG Wells has made articulate use of the theme of Consumption to indicate transformative changes in human behavior shaped by prevailing civilizations which are brought from the fourth dimension by the time traveler in his carrier time machine. Furthermore, Reading Meat in the HG Wells played a vital role in explaining how the theme of consumption adequately denotes transformation and civilizations in the novel The Time Machine. Suffice it to say that Reading Meat in the HG Wells is a precursor in descriptive understanding of Wells's simple novel, The Time Machine. Works Cited Clarke, E. Introduction to Classical Literature. Chicago: Harris & Sons. 1998.Lee, MP reading meat in HG wells. Atlanta: McMillan Publishers. 2007.Well, HG Time Machine. New York: Berkley, Inc. 2004.