Social learning theory has been a subject of debate since its existence. Some people believe that crime is learned, while others argue that it is not learned and fails to explain where criminal behavior comes from. Social process theory is said to be a way to deter people from crime. They do this by creating programs that people can do in prison or out. What is social learning theory? Social learning theory is said to be learned according to research by Siegel (2011) “social learning theorists believe that crime is a product of learning the norms, values, and behaviors associated with criminal activity.” ( page 173). This theory includes two different forms of learning which are differential association theory and neutralization theory. Siegel puts it this way (2011): "Two of the most important forms of social learning theory: the theory of differential association and neutralization theory." (p.173). If crime is learned, so are the techniques for doing so. Siegel puts it this way (2011) "Social learning can involve actual techniques of crime (such as starting a car or rolling a joint), as well as the psychological aspects of crime (such as dealing with the guilt or shame associated with illegal activities)." (p.173). People who commit crimes a Sometimes they might feel guilty, especially if it is of their first crime. Chronic offenders may not feel guilty for the crimes they commit because they have learned to control their guilt. Differential Association Theory Differential association theory is one of the social learning theories designed by a social learning theorist. Siegel stated (2011) “One of the most important social learning theories is Edwin H. Sutherland's differential association theory.” (p.173). In 193......middle of paper......and law. Siegel said (2011) "criminals often respect and admire honest, law-abiding people. Those admired may include entertainers, sports figures, priests and other members of the clergy, parents, teachers, and neighbors." (p.177). Some people argue that people don't learn about criminal behavior before acting on it. Siegel states (2011) “there is little evidence that people learn the techniques that enable them to become criminals before actually committing criminal acts.” (page 179). Learning theories have a role in the study of delinquency and criminal behavior. Siegel states (2011) “help explain the role that peers, family, and education play in shaping criminal and conventional behavior.” (p.179). Works Cited Siegel, J.L. (2011). Social process theories. Criminology The Core (pp. 173-180 and 191-194). Belmont California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.