Topic > Post-Westphalian Governance – 1822

Some have said that the Westphalian nation-state system is dead. The truth of this statement is somewhat murky and may be a bit extreme compared to what we see on the international scene today. The fall of the bipolar world of the Cold War and the diminishing power of the United States, coinciding with the rise of smaller powers, have many wondering what the world system will look like. Added to this is the rise of non-state actors who are having more and more influence on the international scene. Increasingly important policy areas are being influenced by international forces. The question posed here and which this article attempts to answer is: are we entering a post-Westphalian era of governance? The hypothesis put forward in this paper is twofold in nature as the answer to the question is yes, we are moving towards a post-Westphalian era of governance. However this answer comes with a slight hesitation as the transition to it is happening slowly. The analysis is based on the idea of ​​diffusion, which "refers to the processes in which national policy makers voluntarily, i.e. without being formally obliged by international agreements or forced by external actors to adopt a certain policy innovation..." expressed by For Olof Busch and Helge Jörgends. That is to say, in investigating post-Westphalian governance we will first examine the growing trend of shifting politics towards certain global governors away from the traditional role of the state evolving since the Treaty of Westphalia. This will be done by exploring the rise of transnational networks, international organizations and supranational bodies, and then the rise of non-state actors and the roles they have… halfway through the paper… policy decision-making has slowly developed. it has eroded the rigid structure of state sovereignty. However, the state still maintains a strong role in the international system and many areas still remain state-centric. Whether the state will continue to play a small role in the post-Westphalian era remains to be seen. What is certain is that the role of the state is slowly changing and could ultimately lead to its demise. Works Cited Sasser, Erika N., Aseem Prakash, Benjamin Cashore, and Graeme Auld, “Direct Targeting as an NGO Political Strategy: Examining Private Authority Regimes in the Forestry Sector,” Business and Politics 8:3 (2006), http://faculty, Anne-Marie “A New World Order” Prince University Press 2005, “Who Rules the Globe?” ed. Deborah D. Avant, Martha Finnemore and Susan K. Sell Cambridge University Press 2010,