Topic > What It Means to Say God Is Dead - 1165

Hitchens has many ideas that Christians today struggle to answer. For example, why should we praise God if creation comes to Him naturally, if God can heal a blind man, then why not heal blindness, and with all the constant prayer, why no results? I believe that at some point many Christians have asked themselves these questions. However, there is no definitive answer to these questions. Hitchens believes that Christians want to believe in a higher order because they are afraid of having nothing to believe in and use this to comfort us from the truth of our loved ones who have died. So what Hitchens is trying to understand is that human beings have a tendency to be "loyal." Hitchens also argues that religion will remain in human ideas until humans can overcome their primitive fears, especially that of their own mortality. Hitchens and Nietzsche mostly have different views on how we see God. Nietzsche believes that we have changed the way we look at religion and that we have mishandled the way it should be used. However, Hitchens sees religion as a cover to hide us from reality and our nature