Single parenthood is becoming more and more common in today's society and doesn't seem to have such a negative stigma. In the United States, since 2002, the family structure for children aged ten to eighteen is made up of 43% of a first marriage family with parents, 23% of a second marriage, 20% of a family with a single parent, 6% from a family with a single parent. single parent, never married family. This is an alarming statistic because it shows the sad side of relationships and how little people think about it before having children. The school system needs to do a better job of educating teens and tweens about severity and responsibility when they decide to start a family. Universities along with religious groups should be able to offer advice when planning children. It's understandable that accidents can happen, but in most cases adults are fully aware of what's at stake when planning to start a family. If a couple is not emotionally stable, it may not be in the best interests of all parties to have a child. Having a child in hopes of fixing the relationship is also bad