Topic > Women's Rights Policy: Stereotypes of Women's Rights

In an article by Lisa Mooney on workplace tension, Mooney explains that there are many signs of sexual harassment in a workplace, such as language that men use towards their colleagues, calling them “ladies, girls or girls”, refers to the existence of gender prejudice in the environment. Furthermore, if a man has a lot of physical contact with a co-worker of the opposite sex, there is a basic assumption that he wants to have sexual contact with that person. All these things and more create tension for everyone and give rise to cases of sexual harassment. Another form of tension is the power struggle between a woman with a higher position than another male colleague. If that woman is a no-nonsense boss type, then she is labeled as an evil boss rather than just doing her job. These are some of the reasons why it is difficult for a woman to have and keep a job in the corporate world and why women every day fight for better rights not only in the everyday real world but also in the real world.