Topic > Risk Management for Healthcare Organizations - 893

The risk manager will adhere to the Joint Commission requirements for reporting sentinel events for accredited hospitals. “Accredited hospitals must identify and respond to any sentinel event in a timely and thorough manner.” (Radtke, K., & Milton, C. (2003). Requirements include a credible root cause analysis and the development of an action plan that reduces risk and improves patient safety measures. The analysis process main should identify risk in areas such as performance, but should focus primarily on systems and processes. The focus should not be limited to the level of individual performance. progress from special causes to clinical processes and end with common causes. analysis should be carried out within the organisation's processes and systems and can help identify improvements that should be put in place to prevent such an event from happening again The analysis shows that the event was inevitable and there are no measures to be improved to prevent the event from recurring. (Joint Commission, 2010) An adequate plan should address the responsibility for implementing the action which should also include verification of the plan, timing and strategies for measuring effectiveness. ”. When an on-site investigation is necessary, the surveyor will evaluate the hospital's compliance in relation to sentinel events. The time allowed for sentinel reporting in accordance with the Joint Commission corresponds to an adverse event response of 15-45 days. The hospital's failure to meet timelines in response to an event will be... halfway through the paper... how this PORTFOLIO PROJECT works cited SEN, S., SIEMIANOWSKI, L., MURPHY, M., & McAllister, S. (2014). Implementing a pharmacy technician-focused medication reconciliation program at an urban academic medical center. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 71(1), 51-56. Doi:10.2146/ajhp130073Jones, D., & Cotta, J. (2009). Lessons from the field: How oneHospital combines quality, compliance and patient safety. JournalOf Health Care Compliance, 11(5), 53-75. Stories, should these labels be more distinctive to prevent errors? Source:,RL (2009) Risk Management Handbook for Healthcare Organizations SF Ca.,Josey&Bass ISBN 9780470300176(American Psychological Assoc.)(nd). Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.