Intuitively it is assumed that we, as members of society and citizens of the world, should make the world a better place. For this reason you might find that you need to impose moral constraints on consequences. Consequentialism fails to examine the effects that action has on people and only sees the outcome. Human rights violations in war are the result of the objectives of wars to bring peace and bring about improvements. Consequentialism has no moral guidelines, so there is never a limit. Examine only the consequences of actions. Consequentialism is an “any means necessary” ethical mindset that expects better circumstances to result from actions. Consequentialism challenges morality because only consequences justify action. As taken from the “Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy” website from a page titled “Deontological Ethics” paraphrased, “Consequences can justify any act, no matter how harmful it is to some, as long as it is beneficial to others.” (Alexander and