He received tremendous support from several doctors and citizens who hoped to prevent the growth of cancer in their children, the future generation. Several studies have shown that the vaccine itself is harmless, with few reports of mild side effects (National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, 2015). It would protect the lives of millions of children long before exposure to HPV. Parents who supported Gov. Rick Perry's order touted the vaccine and the many benefits it would provide to girls, as well as its cost-effectiveness. HPV vaccines would be available to millions of families in the United States through organizations, such as Vaccines for Children, that provide vaccines at a lower cost, if not free, or coverage through personal insurance (Bassett, 2011). For these parents, the benefits of human papillomavirus vaccines have outweighed any risks that might come with them, and there is nothing wrong with looking after their daughters' well-being. The majority of people who support Rick Perry's decision wholeheartedly believe that this is the best option to further protect the lives of those who may be affected by sexually transmitted viruses. However, other people express different opinions and concerns about the decision, as is expected from a country that allows freedom of belief and opinion. This does not mean that one group is right or that one group is wrong, simply that each individual thinks differently and will not always agree on the same thing.