Topic > The benefits of referring patients early to a…

IntroductionEvidence-based practice is the basis for needed change in practice and function. It is a valid method for scientific, fact-based change. Changes that have no supporting evidence are fragile, unscientific, and subjective. These changes do not involve real change over time, as they cannot be demonstrated to a more general population. patient outcomes, in particular, regarding pain management. Questions in PICO format will be used, along with a body of evidence to support that early initiation of a hospice program is beneficial in providing end-of-life pain control. Available hospice programs and options associated with them will be discussed, as well as common concerns associated with early admission to hospice. We will explore the methods used to pay for hospice and how to qualify for entry into a hospice program. A literature search will be carried out and its results will be detailed in the body of this article. Recent publications on the topic and related issues, such as moral and ethical issues, as well as the question of change, will be discussed. The planning, implementation and evaluation of the proposed change will be explored within this document. Problem Identification End-of-life pain management is an important function of hospice organizations. Both families and patients are comforted that, ultimately, there are resources that allow for a comfortable death. Much of the quality of hospice care is determined by the patient's family. In 2005, Brown Medical School conducted research into t...... half of paper ......necessary to provide primary care providers with the tools needed to provide care. Early hospice admission is statistically proven to be more effective in preventing end-of-life pain. It is convenient to do so and has been discussed within the confines of this project. A literature search using CINAHL demonstrated that early admission leads to pain management in several locations. The support of our patients, our colleagues and our own practice through evidence-based practical techniques and scientific facts may be the most comforting evidence in this particular proposal for change as it supports the PICO question: “In terminally ill patients, l Does early admission into a hospice program, compared to those who are admitted later, result in more effective pain control at the end of life?” The answer, based on evidence, is yes.