The Apprentice is a reality show that began in New York City in 2004. The show observed participants divided into two groups, competing with each other for a job for Donald Trump. The show was successful to the point that a few seasons later were made, even outside of the United States. The idea of the show was created by Donald Trump who owns a variety of organizations, hotels and casinos. Furthermore, he is the greatest land engineer in New York. As in other episodes, Donald Trump and his trusted partners, George and Carla, will monitor the meetings, coach Sir Donald Trump on how each group performed, and work with the team members to win the job. The main task in this episode is negotiation. Groups are encouraged to work with various celebrities at the Sotheby's Celebrity Auction to raise money for charity and to benefit the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. As a result, Versacorp won the task since it was able to downplay the various indiscretions that Tammy made during the commission, while Protégé Corporation lost because it had no more cash than Versacorp. However, they were sent to the boardroom and, after a difficult decision, Jessie was fired (retrieved from Basically, the emphasis on negotiation skills in this task is to test the competitors' abilities and potentials to perform and raise more money for the charity. Lacking these skills can impact team performance, develop potential conflict, and end up losing in the boardroom. Negotiation is a very delicate task; it requires hard work, planning and intelligence for better execution. "In "Tit for Tat" Mr. Trump tells the audience that the only way to beat your...... middle of paper ...... excerpted from The control was a critical part of the opposition, whatever the execution carried out. Donald Trump emphasized that quality control and professional execution are the essential skills that Donald Trump emphasized to be successful in his venture addressed the nature of the work, so they lost the money effortlessly. As a recommendation, the team and project manager should be strategic in planning, control and organization, especially in negotiation activities. Furthermore, decision making and effective planning are important elements for execution, especially when dealing with an unverifiable environment. Successful project manager is one who has the ability to delegate orders, manage the attitude and behavior of members and assign responsibilities based on the individual experience and knowledge.