Topic > McDonalds: The effects of globalization through…

So globalization through media causes the company to “think globally, plan locally” (Waisbord, 378). This also allows companies to illustrate so-called “glocalization”. The concept of glocalization represents "the merit of a "multicultural" and "sensitive" corporate strategy to cultural diversity. This sensitivity is not informed by respect for or interest in preserving “multiculturalism,” but rather by maximizing opportunities for commercial gain” (Waisbord, 378). To further explain this concept, McDonald's success as a company begins with adapting to local and cultural markets. In doing so, the company creates an image of itself in the world: it is a company that expresses traditional and local ways of life within many aspects of contemporary culture. Elites, in this case McDonald's, use their power to develop dominant ideas that control how society interacts. These specific ideas are communicated to a mass audience through the use of media and technology. Perspectives on false consciousness, dominant ideology, and the terrain of struggle illustrate capitalist effects on how society is influenced and regulated. Social reality is controlled through the use of specific ideologies shared through the media