Topic > What is internal and external validity in science…

The benefits of naturalistic observation are a type of method that scientists use to collect data and information about different types of things. Example: the subject is unconsciously observed in its natural environment and has not been manipulated. The downside is that you have no control over the influences surrounding your subjects, which could affect the test results and render the research useless. Describe ethnography. Discuss the issues addressed in an ethnographic field Describe ethnography: a non-quantitative technique used to study and describe the functioning of cultures through a study of social interactions and expression between people and groups. Research that deals with phenomena that are difficult or impossible to quantify mathematically, such as beliefs, meanings, attributes. Define face validity and content validity. How well does a test appear to measure judging the content of what it was designed to measure? For example, a measure of mathematical ability would have face validity if it contained mathematics problems, (KENNETH S. BORDENS | BRUCE B ABBOTT NINTH EDITION RESEARCH AND DESIGN AND METHODS A PROCESS