My father was convicted of a crime of which he, his peers, or his family believed he was not guilty. His brother gave him the opportunity to escape the country, get a stable job and accommodation in Dubai. This opportunity would last until the seven-year statute of limitations expired and then he could return to the United States again to be with his family and friends. I personally felt it was in his best interest to escape. However, as he explained, it is better to be incarcerated in a country he loves and calls home than to be in another country alienated from everything he knows and loves. It also taught me the importance of supporting our system of government, it may not be perfect but it has given me the freedoms, liberties and foundation on which to build a life for my family. So yes, many of my friends thought my father was incapable of staying here in the United States to face unjust punishment, but now they stand with him and his decision to support our country despite its imperfections. It is now clear to me how many of my ancestors fought, suffered and died for this country and it is of the utmost importance that I support it, as I do