Even if some form of disgust intervention were implemented, would the culture eventually become desensitized to shock value? Every study regarding handwashing techniques has focused on the risk of pathogen contamination. From preschools and schools focused on teaching contamination (Lather Up For Good Health, 2010; Handy Saves The Day In Your Pre-School, 2014; Scrubclub.org, 2007) to attempts to reduce absences from primary school due to illness (Priest et al. ., 2014) to studies aimed at observing handwashing habits within hospitals to create relevant guidelines (Miller, Patrick and Ormrod, 2011). Yet, I believe, this focus on contamination has created an association in our society with risk assessment. So anyone who doesn't think independently and doesn't follow the rules is considered deviant. The issue within our society of our need for independence must be addressed if the culture of hand washing is to change. Concomitant with the dissociation of the pathogen