Topic > Speaking without thinking - 902

Speaking is very important in everyone's daily life. Through speech and the words that people choose to use, they can fully express their thoughts and will with ease. what was said cannot be undone and there is no way for people to recover it. Therefore, people should learn to be more responsible and cautious about what they say and the words they choose. People who know how to communicate well with each other always have more friends than people who lack social skills because no one likes to hear something rude. Speaking before applying thought will “produce” better quality conversations and dialogues. Speaking without thinking will cause negative or unpleasant feelings. Sometimes speaking without thinking may seem funny, but most of the time it's a mistake that doesn't serve any purpose. In fact, speaking without thinking will get the speaker involved in social problems that are actually avoidable. Obviously, speaking without thinking will cause unnecessary misunderstandings. People usually say the wrong thing or don't say it the way they want if they speak without thinking. People should choose the words they use wisely. without thinking it will cause the speaker to misstate or give the wrong direction. As a result, the listener will understand incorrectly and the wrong decision will be made. This will make the situation worse and misunderstandings and unnecessary problems will occur. For example, if a senior cannot fully express command, there is no way for juniors to do it well. You will end up getting half the result with double the effort or a disastrous report card. Furthermore, people will assume that the speaker is absolutely against them if he is not careful about the words he uses. People would feel like they were in the midst of a new relationship or talking freely with others if they made social mistakes, especially when that mistake affected another party. (page 145). People should be careful what they say to others. It's not ideal for people to live in regret. Speaking without thinking is a very bad action. People should take a few minutes to consider their words before speaking out. Before people can realize what has been said, there has already been an impact. This action will easily cause misunderstandings. It is also capable of destroying a stable relationship. Speaking without thinking will ruin someone's reputation and credit. It also causes the feeling of remorse. Without a doubt, the way people communicate will definitely affect every aspect of people's daily lives, especially people's social field. Think and then speak, this is the correct sequence in communication.