Unfortunately, this was not due to the humane beliefs of the English, but more importantly an effort by the English to control business by eliminating competition's access to slave labor. Unfortunately, most of the rescued blacks were then sent to the British colonies and the life of slavery from which the British claimed to have freed them. Although many countries agreed to allow the British to board supposed slave ships, the United States refused. This was one of the main reasons for the 1812 war with Great Britain. When Britain continued to push the United States about whether there was anything worse than the slave trade, John Quincy Adams replied “Yes. Admit the right of search of our ships at sea by foreign officers in time of peace; because this would mean enslaving us." (8) This grudge against Britain was also one of the main reasons why slave traders could not be captured more frequently. The British had a Navy second to none, and our best ships were used to protect American ships from British interference. The United States was willing to sacrifice African freedom for its own. As Ron Soodalter points out, “If the United States had ever cooperated with Great Britain, the slave trade would certainly have ended sooner”..