By changing working practices and redesigning processes at Halewood, they have created world-class systems based on total quality and lean manufacturing and have also changed working practices and company thinking Halewood workforce. To create the improvement needed at Hale Wood, the management team focused on three key pillars to support the changes required. The quality pillar depends on the exchange of Jaguar's currently existing quality principles with the Halewood plant. This included consistency of the generation procedure so that, for example, each move worked similarly. Meanwhile, emphasis has been placed on decreasing the time spent on exercises that do not increase the value of the assembly procedure. Line administrators were given the obligation to distinguish the continuous changes that could be made. Administrators have been divided into smaller groups working with a group leader. These groups have been given a significant obligation to recognize the need for change and then bring it about. After learning the creation strategies at Jaguar's state-of-the-art factories in the Midlands, Halewood administrators and industry pioneers became more adaptable to the advances required. The Centers of Excellence pillar was seen as the main impetus in changing individuals' reasoning. As demonstrated by the Centers of Excellence established