Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) were built to model the brain to solve problems that humans alone cannot solve and to advance artificial intelligence. Getting closer to organic beings and acquiring great computational power, becoming a technological hybrid between sentient beings and advanced electronics; they are the future of advanced robotics. They can be used in fields as varied as speech recognition, action prediction, weather, and so on. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) get close to the likely function that is likely to produce the best result. This is done through extensive training of the system and the use of extensive training rules that allow the ANNS to recognize repetitive paradigms and use them to solve problems that the system has never encountered before. These systems model the mammalian cerebral cortex (the brain) and its neurons, hence the name artificial neural networks. Before understanding the complex structure of an artificial neural network, a rudimentary understanding of an organic neural network is essential. The human brain is made up of over billions of neurons interconnected by trillions of synapses. Neurons exchange electrical impulses through synapses obtained from other neurons or from the senses. When you experience something new, these neurons create new connections that can weaken, strengthen, or alter over time. These are the experiences or memories that humans remember and form the basis for decision making and problem solving. Artificial neural networks use these same principles; they model an approximate function based on the input and output rules and use this function to predict the output of a problem that the system has never faced. The simple...... middle of paper...... -difference-between-artificial-intelligence-and-neural-networks mc0076/5 .html =EkmwrfqC4MRdpHPyDnp5VDbDtFk#v=onepage&q=artificial%20neural%20networks&f=false reingold/courses/ai/cache/neural2.html