You are treating a couple who are having problems based on infidelity. James has a problem with the couple's husband because he always questions the techniques he wants to try. James finds himself trying to please his husband. James realizes that this is becoming a problem as he talks to his supervisor and they understand that this is due to his relationship with his father. James and the supervisor realized and diagnosed a problem in his counseling. At this point it is necessary to intervene. Given that James appears to be at the intermediate family counselor level, even as a graduate student, the supervisor's role is to have him construct a family origin genogram (which was already in place) and allow for reflection, awareness, and intuition ( which was already in place) Done). James and his supervisor also realize that their feeling comfortable within their relationship may also have caused some of the problems. The relationship between James and his supervisor, along with James and his client, have been compromised. First, the supervisor must take on a strict supervisory role so he can better promote James's personal growth within the profession and help his clients. Once this is achieved, James will have a better chance of being able to grow and help his clients as he will have to do the same with the husband of the couple he is advising..