Every year, at a specific time of the year, parents go shopping with their children in the spring or summer. This requires a lot of money from parents to make their children look good for next year. Parents will benefit from not having to purchase expensive clothes for each school year. “A 2013 national survey of 517 U.S. school leaders found that 94% of respondents believed that “one of the main benefits for parents is that school uniforms are more affordable than regular clothing,” and 77% estimated the average annual cost of school uniforms per child at $150 or less” (“School Uniforms”). In my opinion, every parent will feel forced to compete with families by purchasing fashionable clothes for their children, so the uniform is best. However, another study was conducted on school uniforms, which found that the push for school uniforms is intriguing rather than educational." In August 2013, Reuters reported that retailers were "sensing their opportunity. . intensifying competition in the uniform aisles and online. Walmart has created 'uniform stores' or pop-up boutiques within some stores" according to David L. Brunsma.,