First of all, I extend a cordial greeting to the Authorities present here today representing the Government and Parliament. Furthermore, this year I greet and thank all those who contributed to making this ceremony happen with their work and participation. A special greeting to the true protagonists of the event: the people from here, those who follow us from afar. Greetings to all the schools, with particular affection and trust that teachers are the main walls of our school, and to the non-teaching technical staff. And with a greeting to the families of the students, whose participation in the educational activity of their children and grandchildren is fundamental. On this occasion, I remember and thank other people who work for a good school. The complex educational machine is managed by those who work in the Ministry of Education, in the regional school offices, in the departments of the regions, provinces and municipalities, often assisted by private social workers, scholars from university departments and research centres. In this multifaceted reality, the institutions and structures that operate at all levels find committed, creative people, capable of identifying problems and proposing new and socially useful solutions. Our silent thanks and the right support and recognition go to the weavers. This year their education takes center stage. The economic crisis we are experiencing has sparked heated discussions on the best strategies to overcome it. There where and there are - as is normal - significant differences, but on two points the consensus was almost unanimous. Italy must emerge from the crisis better than it entered it, we must therefore look to resources - especially intellectual and political - that can leverage to overcome the reasons for the structural weakness of our economic and social system, to make it possible..... . half of the paper......bilization. Furthermore, speaking about legality here today with the Calabrian and Venetian students, the Public Prosecutor Piero Grasso, who was and is an authentic hero of the fight against the mafia. Even a little courage is needed every day, defending the weakest people from objects of contempt and aggression, defending attention from companions who don't like them, from undue harassment. In short, commitment to learning and civic commitment are one and the same. Let's show ourselves is aware of this. Of course, I understand, this call to commitment, duty, moral values and ideals may sound annoying and preachy. But a point - I can assure you - which applies not only to you but to everyone and which is of interest to everyone, especially to each of us who represent the institutions of the Republic. Furthermore, we must be a good example: you have the right to expect the example to come from us, you have the right to ask us for it.