Stage 1: Organizations have the desire to become more analytical, but so far lack both the will and capacity to do so. This is what is called Analytically Challenged Organizations. Flipkart Approach for Phase 1 (Organizations with Analytics Challenges) Flipkart started the first phase in 2007. When they did not have any analytics platform or business platform to analyze the purchasing pattern of customers. Now, FlipKart has recently completed the second version of the huge billion sale held between October 13th and 17th. in which Miles suggests that he noted a company turnover of three hundred million in terms of gross products. Phase 2: Organizations exhibit the typical localized analytics approach to “business intelligence” but fall short of competitive standards on analytics. Flipkart Approach for Phase 2 (Localized Analytics) Flipkart has started focusing more on behavior of the customer using web analytics. They applied analytics to individual applications and generated rapid ROI. Flipkart has implemented analytics in local and opportunistic departments but not supporting its distinctive features