A worldview is a personal view on reality and the meaning of life. We all see ourselves through a particular set of beliefs, attitudes and values. Each person's worldview develops over time as they experience new events and interact with the world around them. A worldview provides the answers to one's origin, purpose, and destiny. Religion has a powerful influence on worldview. For the Christian, the filter through which all information is processed is shaped by the truths found in God. God's truth cannot be ignored as God has revealed himself in many ways. Scripture is one way God reveals himself to humanity. The Bible is God's written revelation to humanity. There is a central theme that runs from the beginning to the end of the Bible. This theme is that of redemption and is the key to my vision of the world. The first chapter of the Bible tells us: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1 New International Version). Let us begin here, at the beginning, as we begin to form a worldview based on biblical facts. The universe didn't just appear out of nowhere. God is the Creator of the universe and everything that exists in the universe; including humanity. Since God is the creator, He exists in Himself and is therefore greater than anything created. God has a Creator-creature relationship with humanity. Through creation God revealed his divine nature to humanity. He is infallible, truthful, righteous, holy, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. God's will speaks to the sovereign authority God has over creation. God is in control of everything that happens. God made a covenant with creation in which all creation was promised eternal life in exchange for obedience... middle of paper... from our sins and to save us from going to hell. Since God also gave us free will, we must make the decision to spend eternity in heaven, and we must make that decision before it is too late. My vision of the world has been a long and personal journey. I have not always lived with the Spirit in my heart. I have always believed in God but have not always had a strong relationship with God. A walk through God's Word has shown me that God has always had a plan and has always taken the first steps towards having a relationship with me. I see through my worldview that the Bible lays out God's plan for my redemption. Through God's redemption I now have a worldview that provides answers to questions about origin, purpose, and destiny. Works Cited Zondervan NIV Study Bible. Fully rev. and. Kenneth L. Barker, Gen. and. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008. Print.