The process can cause morale problems for internal candidates who are not selected. New employees may require longer adjustment periods and orientation efforts. The recruiting process may require more time and resources. Recruiters often have to evaluate multiple applications. Some additional benefits of internal recruiting are that candidate morale is generally high and the company can better access the candidate's skills based on previous job performance. Recruitment costs are lower for some jobs, while the process is motivating for good employee performance. The process can aid succession planning, future promotions and career development. Some disadvantages of internal recruiting are employee “inbreeding” which can result in a less diverse workforce, as well as a lack of new ideas. Individuals who are not promoted may have moral problems. Employees may engage in “political” activities in the fight for promotions. A development program is often necessary to transition employees into supervisory and management duties. Some managers may be reluctant to welcome employees into their departments. Recruitment effectiveness should be increased to make recruitment more effective through resume mining, a software approach to get the best resumes for a large company.