Topic > Exploring the Marijuana Subculture: Beliefs and Practices

Marijuana is used to relieve anger, fear, or pain a person may feel. They believe it is essential to their lifestyle and that they have a passion for it. People within this subculture use marijuana because they love the high that THC gives them. These marijuana users also praise marijuana because their role models, such as Bob Marley, used it. They also use it because it is common in their environment, or they grew up in an environment that did not consider it taboo. Marijuana users claim that consuming marijuana makes music, as well as movies and television shows, sound better because it sounds clearer and more enjoyable. When smoking in public, this allows marijuana users to better know and understand other marijuana users and facilitates a more intimate exchange. Marijuana users feel that smoking together creates a special bond with another person and causes social interaction because it brings all kinds of people together and unifies them, which is the main point of a subculture. “Munchies,” or when a marijuana user gets hungry and eats a lot of snacks, is the most common and universal result of