These authors want us to also see the little girl as the main focal point of the image and see the amount of pain she shows us emotionally. For this source I chose the article In Plato's Cave by Susan Sontag. The source talks about all the different ways society looks at photographs. In Sontag's quote she says: “Photographs like the one that ended up on the front page of most of the world's newspapers in 1972: a naked South Vietnamese girl freshly sprayed by American napalm, running along a highway toward the cameras, arms outstretched, screaming in pain--more than a hundred hours of televised barbarism probably helped to increase public revulsion against the war” (476)The quote refers to the image captured by Nick Ut. Although the source was not a major broadcaster, they clearly explain what happened and how the little girl is still the focal point of the photo. Sontag also says that it was the photo itself that caused many anti-war protests rather than all the television broadcasts they made on the channel.