The Vietnam War destroyed some families (Olson). Some families were getting divorced. Being away for so long can be difficult for families and soldiers. The war lasted at least 15 years with the involvement of the United States. Loved ones were gone and they were unable to care for their families and loved ones. The deployment of loved ones has been difficult for some families to navigate (Logan). The children were sad to see their dad have to leave and not know if he would return. Many terrifying images were shown during the war (Friedman). The images made families and loved ones worried and scared if their loved ones died (Friedman). Families with surviving soldiers have had to deal with their loved ones suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (Logan). During war not only families experience emotions, but also soldiers. The soldiers who had survived felt guilty for their lives and for the deaths of their friends (Friedman). The soldiers wanted it to be them who died and not one of their brothers. Some soldiers had committed suicide years after the war ended because of the guilt they felt about life. (Fallstrom). Soldiers didn't just feel emotions after the war, they felt some during the war too. A war veteran had said “every time I pull the trigger, I kill a little inside myself. “ (Friedel). Even though he knows he wasn't physically killing some of himself, mentally he was.