The other day my mother made some incredibly wonderful tasting donuts as a marketing experiment for her shop. In all there were 24 rings of soft, sugary cake, made from the dough and fried to perfection. Inside was an amazing banana-vanilla filling and rainbow sprinkles mixed with chocolatey goodness smothered on the top… For a five-year-old, it was irresistible: three-quarters sugar, one-quarter chocolate and all the rest. sublime possibility. Mom thought she was being efficient by preparing twelve in advance, but in reality she was just guaranteeing a day to keep them away from me. He also knew it was very important to keep the donuts away from me. If I were allowed even a tiny amount of sugar, the entire existence of my being would focus on a single goal: acquiring and consuming more and more sugar. My need for sugar would become so colossal that it would collapse in on itself and form a huge vortex into which more and more sugar would be drawn, until the entire universe was rid of every molecule of sweetness. So when I climbed up onto the counter and grabbed a donut, it was like someone had slammed their fist into a huge button that said "DON'T PUSH." I had tasted the donuts and now I couldn't go back. My body had transformed into a mass of pure tenacity encased in a layer of desperation. I would eat all the donuts, otherwise the molecules in my body would spontaneously combust from my little soul's pure desire to taste them again. The donut was already half digested when mom noticed it was missing. She looked at me, then at the eleven remaining donuts. I looked at her hungrily and smiled. “Yummy,” I said, as he quickly put them in the box. Let the c...... middle of paper ......h, or regurgitate half-digested remains of my acquisitions or run around like a maniac. But my misery was nothing compared to the immense satisfaction I felt every time my terrible, devious mother had to watch me vomit up another piece of sweet, half-digested success. See mom? This is for you. This is what happens when something gets between me and the sweets I want: I wordlessly challenged her to try to stop me from getting what I wanted. Just once, just to see what happens. And in that moment, no matter how badly I got, for now I had gotten what I wanted, even if the most powerful people on the planet, my parents, had tried to stop me from getting it, and I was unstoppable. .The one thing I didn't understand, though, was why Grandma and Mom thought I was going crazy when I sneaked past them using my military skills.