A formal trail system is a critical and essential type of infrastructure in protected woodland and forest areas that facilitates visitor access and supports sustainable recreational opportunities and experiences. Recreational activities may include but are not limited to: walking and hiking, cycling, horseback riding, camping and backpacking. Recreation-related impacts in protected natural areas represent a growing concern for land managers, who are generally guided by mandates requiring the conservation of natural areas and the provision of recreational spaces (Hammit and Cole 1998). Mentioned in a study by Wimpey and Marion (2010) protected area managers often construct and maintain trails that tolerate necessary ecological disturbance and concentrate visitor traffic on durable substrates with the intent of preserving natural conditions in other adjacent areas. However, impacts associated with trail use may conflict with conservation orders, thus challenging land managers to implement effective visitor and resource management strategies. An earlier study by Marion et al (1993) stated; National Park Service (NPS) managers have identified trail impacts as a significantly prevalent challenging problem. The study highlighted soil erosion as the most widespread impact, with 44% of land managers citing it as a significant problem in most areas. Such challenges are likely to continue if recreational uses of trails continue to expand (Olive and Marion 2009). In agreement, published by Natural England (2013); in edition 1 of the monitor of engagement with the natural environment; the National Survey of Humans and the Natural Environment, 2012-2013 Annual Report; presented year after year statistically significant ch...... middle of paper ......arrows plot traffic as opposed to open fields and meadows. Marion's (1994) study confirmed three significant impacts on trail width: 1) wet soil was the most significant increase in trail width, 2) a strong positive correlation between trail width and slope, indicating that trails steep slopes were significantly narrower, 3) Medium slope paths were significantly narrower. OBJECTIVES The trail construction and maintenance permit often specifies trail characteristics, may recommend trail corridor clearance dimensions, and trail width. We define the width of the path corridor as the empty space in the vegetation, usually trees or delimited by boundary lines, that supports the path itself. Trail width is defined as the portion of the trail corridor that directly supports recreational traffic. The tread width is defined as the center (busiest) as illustrated in Fig. 1.