The Movie The Big Short begins with a narration from Ryan Gosling's character, Jared Vennet, who provides a somewhat sardonic introduction to the seemingly boring world of banking. However, this setting is the prelude to the summary of the film "The Big Short" which tells a compelling and complex story. The plot gains momentum with Lewis Rainieri's invention of mortgage-backed securities, a scheme designed for higher profits with seemingly lower risks, on the assumption that. people would reliably pay their mortgages. This was a success for the bankers, but then came the year 2008 when the financial crisis occurred. Then we are introduced to Michael Burry, played by Christian Bale. He was a hedge fund millionaire with one glassy eye. Michael Burry suspected why the housing market went up when the tech bubble burst in 2001. He hires an analyst and tells him to make a list of the 20 best-selling mortgage stocks. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on'. Why shouldn't violent video games be banned? Get an original essay Mark Baum is another protagonist of this film. This character is played by Steve Carell. He hates people who work in big banks because his brother committed suicide as a victim of them. His wife Cynthia, played by Marisa Tomei, really wants Mark to leave because she thinks it is unhealthy for him to work in such a damaged work environment and the fact that his brother commits suicide because of it. Meanwhile Michael Burry takes a look at the list of the 20 best-selling mortgage stocks. He realizes that the real estate market is supported by high-risk loans to clients who have lower returns, so he decides what he can bet on and make a profit from the real estate market. Burry then addresses several banks, where he claims that the bonds will fail and that he will create a credit default swap market. The bankers thought he was crazy and completely disagreed, they thought the bonds were safe. Vennett (Ryan Gosling) learns of Burry's (Christian Bale) dealings and then meets with Baum and his team of investors to pitch the credit default swap idea. After Vennett leaves, Baum and his team take what Vennet presented very seriously. We are then introduced to Charlie Geller and Jaime Shipley who are two hopeful investors who wanted to meet someone from JP Morgan Chase. But these two don't have an ISDA agreement that limits them. They listened to a speech by Vennett about how the housing market was a bubble and also decided to bet against the housing market. They do this with the help of Ben Rickert, played by Brad Pitt, a retired businessman. In early 2007, it was reported that mortgage fraud had reached a new high. Risk advisors tell Baum and his team to give up their swaps. Baum has Daniel told to go to hell. The two meet Georgia Hale, a Standard and Poor's official, and criticize her for giving banks AAA percentages on high-risk loans. She defends herself by saying that banks will default if she doesn't have those ratings, and Baum criticizes her actions, but she responds that he and his team have multiple credit default swaps. In April 2007 everyone is preparing for the financial crisis. Michael Burry prevents investors from withdrawing their money, which has led to multiple lawsuits. Geller and Shipley go to the press intending to warn them of the coming financial crisis, but no one cares and no one is interested in the story. Baum and his team are told to give up or sell their swaps. Remember: this is just an example. Get it now